If you click on the title of this post, you'll be directed to a blog entitled "A Quan-Shu Manuscript."
It is a collection of martial arts writings, from back in the day. Take a look. These articles were written by people who knew what they were talking about. You'll also find the link over at the left.
Great Picture, but hte lonk is a dead end :-(
should read: The link is a dead end.
It worked for me:
Oh, I see it is the Principles of Master Hong JunSheng that is not working. The manuscripts are are fine.
I like
10. Toes should grip the ground and the yong quan points...in the feet...become empty...
I think these writings are a real find. I was led to this blog by "Weakness with a Twist." You can find "weakness ..." on the list of blogs over ont he left.
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