If you click on the title of this post, or on the link at the right, you'll be directed to The Zen Site, which is a huge resource for Zen related material. From their homepage:
This is the www.thezensite.com home page. Here you will find links to a wide variety of materials about Zen including essays, Zen teachings by various teachers, book reviews of Zen books, and links to interesting Zen sites.There are also some links and writings about non-Zen topics which may be of interest to Zen students. The material on each page is generally listed alphabetically by author, web site or topic.
The ZenTeachings section includes teachings, teishos and commentaries by various teachers including Robert Aitken, Augusto Alcalde, Dogen,Thich Nhat Hanh, John Daido Loori, Amy Samy, Harada Tangen, Koun Yamada, (and other Diamond Sangha teachers), Hsu (Xu) Yun and many others. Go to the Commentaries and Teishos link. Also, this section includes translations of sutras, koans, information on the Five Ranks, the Shobogenzo, and the Hsin Hsin Ming.
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