Friday, January 04, 2013

Martial Arts Video Fest

Some odds and ends.

Here is a link to Movies about Mushashi and Movies Starring Toshiro Mifune.

Here is a link to a collection of Martial Arts Documentaries.

Years ago, the Detroit Institute of Arts hosted a film festival honoring Japanese film maker, Akira Kurosawa. Every Sunday evening, they showed a different film by Kurosawa, all ~30 of them. My brother and I dutifully went down there and saw all of the samurai films.


  1. How awesome......

  2. It was a great opportunity; too good to miss.

  3. Akira Kurosawa is great, and I'm a great fan of him. They sold DVD copyright of his old films to Mainland China at a very very low price long time ago, and I got hold of many a few years ago, like @ US1-2 (genuine copyright ones not pirated), so I don't need to wait for film festivals, like over in Detroit....:):)

  4. Awesome! What a collection to own.
