Saturday, December 21, 2024

Striking Targets

At the Art of Manliness blog, there was an article on striking targets for self defense. An excerpt is below. The full post may be read here.

Getting into a physical fight is never ideal, and every self-defense expert will tell you that if you can avoid a fight if at all possible, you should. But, sometimes you can’t, and if you’re attacked and need to protect yourself, it’s important to know how to fight back. The best way to prepare for this scenario is to train in boxing, self-defense techniques, or some form of martial arts. You can’t expect to suddenly know how to punch when you’re threatened; your reaction must instead be thoroughly well-practiced.

Regardless of your level of training, one piece of know-how you should have deeply ingrained in your mind is where to direct your blows should you find yourself in an altercation. What places of your attacker’s body should you aim for if you’re looking to cause the most damage and get the most “bang for your buck”?

The best places to hit someone are the most sensitive parts of the body, including the eyes, ears, nose, and groin. But there are also many other spots where thick bones don’t protect the body’s super sensitive nerves and organs. Knowing multiple pressure points like this can help you fend off your attacker better because they won’t be able to protect all these vulnerable places at once.

The numbered list below correlates to the above illustration; keep in mind that striking these areas can cause serious injury or even death — only utilize such blows when you’re truly threatened with death or serious bodily harm. When you are though, the rules of polite society and even the sporting ring are thrown out the window; you must be willing to fight “dirty” and do what you must to incapacitate your assailant. 

1. Base of skull/neck – Also known as a rabbit punch, hitting someone at the base of the skull can cause spinal cord injuries. Punching this area is not to be taken lightly and used only as a last resort.

2. Kidneys – A successful kidney shot will deal a great amount of initial and lingering pain to a person’s back and abdominal area. Make sure to aim your shot up and under their rib cage for maximum effectiveness.

3. Tailbone – The tip of the tailbone is a small, sensitive bone. If struck with a hard shoe or boot at the right angle, it can easily break, sending waves of crippling pain into your attacker’s rear end, lower back, and legs.

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