Saturday, December 30, 2023

Warriors of China Video Series: XingYiQuan

Empty Mind Films has a series names Warriors of China, which highlights different martial arts. Below is episode #12: XingYiQuan.


  1. Dearest Cook Ding: I only wish to say thank you. For the quality of your posts and for the judicious choices you have made over these many years. Your taste is spot on, bringing us all some of the best martial views, methods and beliefs. So admirable! So well done over the long period of years. Bravo! Your page and works are inspiring. When someone does such good works I believe it is important to let them know that they are seen, recognized in the good way. I appreciate you. Many blessings. May the New Year bring you only good things. Thank you again. In martial spirit & brotherhood: James Albert Keating

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Thank you


  3. Thank you!

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

