Saturday, April 04, 2015

The Lenten Challenge is Over!

The Lenten Challenge is over!

It would be a pretty poor post if that's all I had to say, so below find a TED talk about how our body language not only expresses our inner selves to the  outside world, but also shapes us in turn. This make stance practice, particulary zhan zhuang or standing stake so much more important.

If our external movements shapes our inner selves, I wonder what David Elsewhere looks like on the inside?


  1. If our external movements shapes our inner selves . . .

    In olden days, peeps would advise, "Ye become what ye behold!"

    Being more scientific nowadays, we say, "Neurons that fire together, wire together!"

    Thus it is that the Lenten Challenge produces steady practice AND a growth of character. It also folds nicely into Springtime, the Wood Phase, yang rising. Thanks!

  2. We forge ourselves, both mentally and physically.

  3. This tradition is way better than World Taiji day.

  4. thanks, I actually made it and really meditated every day!

    What helped me a lot was the app "headspace". I will continue!

  5. Congratulations! Good job!
