Monday, April 13, 2015

Running Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a horrible crime. I have learned that my home state of Michigan is the 2nd worst in the country after Nevada (Las Vegas).

Authorities know where many girls and women are being held but must hold off on conducting raids to free them because there is nowhere to place them after. It may take years of therapy and training before they can hope to re enter society again. This requires enormous resources.

I have learned that there are even some women at the church I attend that had been victims of human trafficking. We all have wives, mothers, daughters or sisters. This is heart breaking.

Watch this video:

Each member of my running club is trying to raise $1440 to help provide a total of over $500,000 to help fund both prevention and post freedom programs for these victims; running in one of the Detroit Free Press Marathon events, the weekend of Oct 17-18. I will be running in the International Half Marathon with one of my daughters on the 18th.

Why $1440? Each day has 1440 minutes where each of us enjoys our freedom while those slaves have 0 minutes.

Would you please donate to my fund raising page? Any dollar amount will help move us closer to our goal.

Every dollar WILL make a difference, but $100 will:

- shelter a victim for a night;
- provide 15 hygiene/safety/nutrition kits;
- one year of reading mentoring; and
- support life skills training, medical and psychological treatment.

The cost of Housing, medical and psychological care will vary greatly depending on the location and condition of the victim.

I will turn 58 a couple of days before the event. Why is this (then) 58 year old going to strap on his shoes and run for over 13 miles?

Isaiah 6:8 (ASV) And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me.

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