Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Home Dojo

I tend to practice on my own in my basement. It's out of the way. I have space. The berber carpet with padding under it is easy on my joints. I don't disturb the rest of the house and no one disturbs me.

Other people practice in their back yard, on a deck or maybe under a car port off the the garage. Perhaps there is a park nearby. I read an entry on a forum once where the writer said that he had a high school behind his house and he'd practice laps of the Five Elements (I'm not sure I believe that, but it's an interesting idea).

Some people are more ambitious. Maybe convert the garage to a gym/dojo, tack on an addition or erect a pole barn.

... and then there is this guy. I am an amoeba. I simply can't do what he has put together for himself and his students justice. Just follow the link. Enjoy.


  1. As I moved around through life, moving to more than thirty locations, I would try to find places with some sort of open/level area where I could practice. When I got around to owning property, I thought in terms of creating spaces for such things. The article shows a man who took that idea to a whole new level, albeit underground.

    He wrote he derived the strength of character required by his project from his practice, which had "revealed and nurtured these qualities though consistent training and reflection."

    Precisely. That's that "clarity" we seek, now embodied. And put to good use, as his photos show. Thanks, Rick!

  2. 30 locations?! Are you on the Most Wanted List or something?!

  3. My early life was:

    Fail! --> Forward! --> Fast!, and then move on upstream. You know: no root.

  4. --->he'd practice laps of the Five Elements (I'm not sure I believe that, but it's an interesting idea).
    It is nothing new. I have seen people also performed laps by doing circle walking (10K steps per day). ... You are a XYQ/BGZ player. Is it in your "Silver and Blue" playbook of BGZ/XYQ exercises? ...

  5. 10K steps = ~ 5 miles.

    I am a little skeptical about high numbers of repetitions some people claim to make on a daily basis. Just walking 5 miles takes a certain amount of time.
