Friday, July 19, 2013

Kendo in Popular Culture

Thanks to First Dragon Rider blog for turning up this little gem. Enjoy.


  1. That was the coolest video I've seen in a long, long time.

  2. It's a fun video, with people whacking each other with sticks and all.

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    You're welcome Rick and The Strongest Karate, and thanks for the mention.

    The music's not bad either...

  4. Well, it will be "exciting" if shot with Toshiro Mifune doing it in "real swords" within the context of a samurai movie. Our mind can easily be fooled...:):)

    PS: I bet folks doing kendo must have TM (me chopping up the bad guys) in their mind. Those who use real heavy sword to chop real bamboo also have the similar mind set (may be chopping up their boss mentally...:):)), I believe

  5. "Boss Cutter " would make a pretty good name for a sword.
