Friday, September 14, 2012

Paleo Media Diet

I discovered an article on a tech website that I found interesting. An excerpt may be read below. The full article may be read here.

My Paleo Media Diet

Turning off, opting out, and disconnecting to save my brain for the things I really want to use it for.

I've been on a train to New York City for about 20 minutes and it just occurred to me that I haven't checked Twitter today. In fact, I sat on a bench in the station for 30 minutes without even touching my phone. I watched people walk by, I daydreamed, thought about my plans for tomorrow, stared at the ceiling and generally just sort of zoned out. That would be no big deal except that later I realized I didn't get that itchy urge to check my phone and do the circuit: email, Twitter, Yammer, G+, Email, Twitter, Yammer, G+ … my little socmed treadmill.

That's huge! This is the first time I can remember sitting down somewhere in at least three years without immediately feeling the urge, or more like compulsion, to pull out my phone and twiddle with it. And this was at the train station, for 30 minutes! I feel like a smoker just realizing that I forgot to light up when I stepped outside for an afternoon break.

For too long I've been killing time on that treadmill, which would be fine if I had time that needed killing, but that's rarely the case. Plus, once that circuit gets started it tends to keep on going well into time that really should be better used. After a while I began feeling like I was never really present anywhere. Whether I was riding the train, sitting at dinner, watching a movie, whatever … every few minutes I'd get that tug. "See if there's a pellet. Give the bar a push."

Maybe you'll scoff at this, but I'm an addict. I have been for a long time, and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having the attention span of a meth addict. I'm tired of reaching for my phone at every red light because the urge has been building inexorably since the last one. I'm irritated that my first impulse after any real world human experience is to tweet it. What the hell? Narcissist much?

I'm tired of walking down busy sidewalks full of interesting people and places with my head down staring at a rectangle. I want to be present, in the moment and the place. I want to experience mental flow by the river full and I want to be more productive. And above all, I want to nurture the relationships I have with people that I actually see and touch in all of their materialized-in-atoms glory.

If you have never experienced addiction, be happy. This post isn't for you. But I'm addicted to those little bursts of pleasure that pile into my inbox, or are prefaced with an "@" in my stream. Each one a new affirmation. "You mean something to someone" they seem to say. Although they needn't even say that to adequately stimulate. A Skinner Box really doesn't take much. Hell, I'd probably reach for my phone if it actually dropped little pellets from a chute.

If you've read Clay Johnson's thought provoking book "The Information Diet" you know that he describes his diet in terms of infoveganism. While I get what he means by that, I think it's the wrong analogy, at least as it relates to my addiction. Going vegan is a moral choice. An approach to food designed to satisfy first and foremost the conscience. Which makes a lot of sense in the context of government and political ideology in which he uses it. But my problem isn't one of extremism, or TMZ, or empty calorie media of any kind. Most of the pellets I chomp are just fine, probably even nutritious. It's the fact that I immediately crave the next one so much that is driving me crazy.

So a few weeks ago I decided to take advantage of a mini-sabbatical and go paleolithic. I guess I'll call it the Paleo Media Diet because for me it's not about the content per se, but its medium of conveyance. The medium is the message, and the stimulant.

I'm not doing this to satisfy my conscience, I'm doing it to satisfy evolution. Or more specifically, my evolutionary state. If my ancient and maladaptive wiring, that evolved in a different time, can't resist the lever and the pellet, then I figured I was going to have to get rid of the damned lever. So I did.

Now I own the world's dumbest smart phone. I removed all of the "social" apps - Yammer, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, Path ... all gone. I open up preferences and turn off "cellular data" for long stretches of each day. If there is a specific email I'm waiting for I'll go through the multiple steps to turn it on and check, otherwise data stays turned off. I'll get my mail when I'm at my computer, with intention. But I turn my computer off when I'm not actively using it too, and leave it off for most of each day. The first time I turn it on is at lunch. I don't check anything electronic in the morning — that was the first thing I needed to stop. Compulsively checking messages before brushing my teeth is just ridiculous.


  1. "I'm tired of having the attention span of a meth addict."

    Very, very few meth addicts find their way back home. Wishing it would happen is, usually, ... another impulse.

    Still, I believe it was Gary Snyder who wrote, "I never regretted the loss of anything I truly gave up." If one senses truth in that observation, it can act as a guiding light in many forms of "sobering up."

    I've lived, in varying degrees, on both sides of the subject. Personally, I think the problem is weak attention, irrespective of specific behavior. But "attention" is a Big Subject, and sometimes you gotta start right where you are, and turn down the volume.

    Good post, Rick!

  2. My name is Felicia and I am also an addict. It's just sad...

    Great piece. Thanksfor sharing it :-)

  3. When I've been practicing regularly, I find it's easier to turn off the radio, the TV, the computer ...

    When I'm not practicing regularly, those things seem to be filling in for something that's missing.

  4. I think social sites/apps is a double-edged can be anti-social (like people are not contacting socially in the conventional sense) or counter-social (like anonymous back-stabbing), or a higher level of being social (like connecting to people with similar interest or passion that can't be done in the conventional way, like this "pro-life, humanistic, professional cow-dissecting.... kitchen", thanks Rick).

    Like everything else (be it pro or anti), over-indulgence should be avoided.

  5. It's so easy to forget to exercise a little self discipline.

  6. It's one reason why I don't have a smartphone. I'd feel like I had to use it.

  7. I'm using a 4 1/2 year old Blackberry.
