Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Last 10th Dan in Kendo

Moriji Mochida was the last man to be awarded the 10th Dan in Kendo.


  1. Working smarter (mind) is always better than working harder (body), assuming everything else being equal. But who knows when an older folk is doing smarter than a younger guy? For all I know, they usually don't (save demonstrations featuring highly respected and respectable masters, with all my due respects to everybody, as always )....

  2. Those awesome old guys are few and far between, but they are really something. If you follow the "kendo videos" tag, you'll find a 9th Dan in Kendo just toying with his opponents.

  3. I had seen this a while back. I forgot the gentleman's name. Thanks for bringing this back into memory, Rick.

    As you say, few and far between, but truly amazing to behold.

  4. The planets almost have to be aligned in a certain way for anyone to rise to the pinnacle in any field.
