Friday, March 30, 2012

Whole Body Power

I found the video clip below at The Rum Soaked Fist. The video demonstrates just how powerful whole body power can be.


  1. He seems very powerful...and stiff? Just watching the video I feel that my ukemi won't have a very flexible flow.

    Regardless, thanks for the video - I might steal this.

  2. I don't think he's stiff at all. I think he's trying to make a point in his demonstration of just how much strength he can generate with whole body power.

  3. Hm...that truly doesn't look like a more "conventional" demo. It certainly demonstrated the "full body power" aspect of the art. In real combat situations, power is needed to be had (i.e trained beforehand) and to be executed effectively (like in the video), to deliver the desired RESULT.

  4. I don't think it's really a demonstration as such. It looks to be a seminar or something.

  5. Thanks for posting this Rick, it is very instructive. I have been spending a lot of time practicing the Taichi Da Lu routine and teasing out all the opportunities for issuing Jing. This video is a logical extension of some of the Jings we have been working on. Since we are working outside on concrete we don't want to take the move to a throw but I can see how we could.

  6. I agree, there is a lot to be learned from this video.
