Saturday, August 07, 2010

Women's Self Defense, circa 1947

Note: July 5, 2012.

This has been one of the most popular posts on Cook Ding's Kitchen since it was originally published. I thought that I'd freshen it up a bit.

On July 14, 2012, the logo below will have a live link attached to it. The link will take you to the jumping off spot for the Women's Self Defense Blogging Carnival, where many articles on that topic may be accessed. This post will be my contribution to that worthy cause.

The video clip below features one Ms. Mary Parker, who was apparently well known in judo/jujutsu circles during her time. She is rumored to be the aunt of Patrick Parker.
I love these old videos. Too bad those jumper things the ladies are wearing went out of style, I think they look great.


  1. Very nice! I've seen several of these sorts of films but I think this one is the best.

    The lady is named Mary Parker. Coincidence? I don't think so. I've noticed that an inordinate percentage of the greatest martial artists in the world are either named Patrick or Parker.

    I even have an aunt named Mary. Wonder if that was her...

  2. In heels. Must have been murder on the mats. ;)

  3. Mats?! Patrick's Aunt Mary probably practiced on gravel!

  4. Women must learn self defense in order to protect themselves because they are prone to abuse and violence. I think Judo is one the best martial arts that can be use for self defense.

  5. Wonderful video.
    Parker your aunt Mary is gorgeous!

  6. Absolutely great video. Not only does it show good Judo technique (from the 40's!) but the fact that if I had to "eat a knee" Mary's knee would be an easy first choice ;-) doesn't hurt this selection's rating at all. TKU!

  7. Too bad those jumper things the ladies are wearing went out of style.

  8. "Women must learn self defense in order to protect themselves because they are prone to abuse and violence. I think Judo is one the best martial arts that can be use for self defense."

    Women are not prone to anything. No one wants to be victimised. I think what you are saying is that women are often targeted and should be prepared to use physical self defence when appropriate for personal protection.

