Monday, November 02, 2009

How To Begin Zhan Zhuang

Rick Taracks over at Wujifa has recently published some especially good articles explaining the methods of Wujilianggong. He's recently published an exceptionally good one for those beginning Zhan Zhuang practice. Please pay a visit.


  1. "...for those beginning Zhan Zhuang practice..."

    Well, I've been standing every day for nearly three years, and I am just a beginner. I'd better go over there...

  2. Thanks... I hope that people will find some of that helpful. In that spirit is the intention that I posted those... Thanks again for the shout out here too.

    I may be posting some more interesting videos again soon in the coming weeks... For the holidays.

  3. Walt: I think most of us are beginnings, no matter how long we've been at it.

    Rick: Keep writing my friend!
