Saturday, April 14, 2007

Haven't been around lately

Make your plans for the day in the morning.
Make your plans for the year in spring.

- A Chinese Proverb

I haven't made many posts recently, because I haven't been around. April is the busy month for my youngest daughter's travel volleyball team. There are three major tournaments in four weeks. To get her to them, I have to take days off of work, and so I'm busier at work as well. We aren't done yet. The third tournament will take place this coming weekend, and so I'll have another short week.
Right now, I have around 200 emails to wade through on my Yahoo account, and I don't even want to think what my work inbox looks like.

After the last tournament, in Atlanta, we continued on to Gulf Shores, AL, to finish off Easter Vacation. Gulf Shores has been a tradition in our family for some years. A large number of people from St. Mike's, the parish/school that my kids went to, all rent condos at the same facility every year.

This year I think we set a new record. There were 88 of us, of all ages. It's a great vacation because there's not a lot to do there, but soak up some sun, and watch the waves. There are few things better than that to clear one's head. I untangled a few things in my own life. Not that I really came up with answers, but that the questions sort of faded away.

I am reminded of the impermance of things; that change is the only real constant in our lives. Next year will be an early Easter. We've been there for an early easter before, and the weather isn't all that great. The year after, my youngest will be a senior, and she'll probably want to go on a trip with her friends, rather than go with us. On the other hand, my oldest will be finished with college by that time, and will probably be working. She might want to go with us.

Whatever happens, it will be different than it is now. The situation will resolve itself, but no matter - we've had a good run.

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